


You will hear almost every successful figure talk about the importance of goal setting, you should have “goals” that are related to your vision. What’s the difference between a goal and your vision? Well, a goal is something obtainable in the short term, while your vision is something you are constantly chasing. So let’s say your vision is to someday go pro or just obtain your pro license, your goal should align with that vision, so your goal should be to make it to Loretta’s or win an A, or B class race in your local town. You should keep your goals somewhere close to you to look at frequently; I keep mine on my phone. The whole idea of doing this is so that you always know where you want to be and are going with your career in moto.  Remember you can’t fail unless you quit! I know it sounds corny, but please try this and see for yourself what happens.

What is ITMX about?

What is ITMX about?

