Try to read this with an open mind; this is something I connected looking back on my career. Without goals your path you need to get you from wherever you are currently to where you want to be isn’t clear enough and will be much harder to reach.


 So here what we are going to do. I want you to write down 3 goals either on paper or create a list on your iPhone, (that’s what I do) your goals need to be set high and very clear, maybe it’s to win all 4 motos this weekend of your class, or to qualify in both classes at the regional this summer. Each night look at your goals and visualize yourself completing them, now this takes practice but you will start to feel as if you’ve already achieved these goals and that’s the point.


This may sound a bit crazy, but this creates a sense of determination and motivation which helps map your actions towards your goals, you will be surprised by the results!


“If you don't have a clear vision of where you want to go, you're just drifting around. You could have the best jet in the world, but if the pilot doesn't have a destination, you'll just fly in circles and eventually crash” - Arnold Schwarzenegger

Ride/race/practice smart

Ride/race/practice smart

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What is ITMX camp?