Finding traction to increase your lap times

Finding traction to increase your lap times

You hear us talk about this low-intensity training quite often but how can you benefit most from these techniques?


One thing that you will immediately notice is your ability to focus more on your line selections and just your general awareness of the track other than the 10 ft in front of your tire.


When you lower the intensity, it allows you to become more conscious of your line selections, because of you being more relaxed you can try alternative line choices, and more often times you end gaining some time by finding better lines.


Training this way should be done in a longer duration as well as on a more difficult (rougher) track as it will be more beneficial( the goal is to find speed without trying harder (just going pinned)


Find a rough track and do a 20min+ moto, shoot for zero mistakes (see our 80%  article for more info on this style) and just try as many lines as you can, I think you will be surprised at your results on the day. Do not rush this, as it’s a skill you will need to build on, and like any other skill, it takes time invested to master.

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